Who We Are

For 33 years now we have been active in the field of Repair and Sale of Spare Parts for Household Electrical Appliances - Air Conditioners. Based on organization, planning, reliability, knowledge and equipment, we can offer you the most correct technical solutions, repairing with immediate service all devices at your place without transporting them, correctly and safely. Our organization and many years of experience, together with a large stock of spare parts at our disposal, enables us to provide fast service, with most breakdowns being serviced within 24 hours. Our long-term presence in this area, our continuous training and the feeling of responsibility for meeting your needs, provide the foundations on which we rely to offer you High Standard Services at the most Competitive Prices

Customer Satisfaction Awards

- 2020 - 9,7/10
- 2021 - 9,8/10
- 2022 - 9,8/10
- 2023 - 9,8/10